Axie Infinity Season 19 is Live!

Season 19 just dropped and it brought a whole boatload of changes with it.

From seasonal rewards to minor tweaks in gameplay, I’ll be going over all of them in this article.

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Season Rewards

There are over 3000 AXS tokens up for grabs for the top 1000 players in the leaderboards. That’s over $400,000 worth of AXS with its current price of $150+!

The seasonal MMR has been reset so everyone will start back at 1200, while Season 19 is expected to end on December 21 at 4pm GMT+7.

Formula Updates

The formulas for critical strikes and combo damage from the Skill stat were also updated. 

Critical Strikes

Random lucky critical strikes have been plaguing the game ever since battles were introduced, turning from what should’ve been a sure win to downright pain and suffering. The developers theorize that the main cause of this is the sheer number of cards Axies with High Health and Speed stats play, causing them to deal more critical strikes than they should.

In order to address this issue, the developers have made it so that the damage critical hits deal would scale with the Morale stat of an Axie; the lower the Morale, the lower the critical damage.

The new formula for determining the damage of critical strikes goes as follows:

sqrt(Base Morale stat points) x 10 + Base Morale stat points x 0.4 – 18

Note: the formula used in determining the chance of critical strikes is still the same

Good riddance lucky crits!


The developers have also revamped the way the Skill stat plays into combat. This will make it stronger and more competitive when compared to the other stats. 

The new formula for determining the bonus damage from combos goes as follows:

Base Skill stat points x 0.55 – 12.5

In Axie Infinity’s main Discord server, a pinned message in the #arena channel shows the skill formula table.

While there were lots of card buffs and nerfs, unseen balances appeared in the Skill stat point.

As shown in the image, Dusk Axies deal less damage because of their low skill, despite playing in a combo. On the other hand, Mech Axies deal lots of damage for comboed cards.

Card Balance Changes

Finally, balance changes to cards have been implemented. 

This is the most controversial part of the balance update. Some people got hit by the nerf, and some didn’t. So far the most important move to make is adapting to the new meta.


As we all know, there were a few builds and meta Axies that have been wreaking havoc in the arena. The Terminator Dusk/Reptile, Doubletalk Bird, Aqua-Aqua-Plant, and Shrimpinator/Poison team compositions are to name a few.

Fortunately for their victims, a.k.a. me, they all received nerfs to maintain balance in the game.  

Here are the nerfs made to the cards that were deemed to be too strong for the arena:

Old ValuesNew Values
Part/Card NameClassDamageShieldsChanges MadeDamageShieldsChange to Description
Anemone – Aquaponics/Aqua VitalityAqua8040Reduced Shields8035N/A
Goldfish – Swift EscapeAqua11020Reduced Damage10520N/A
Nimo – Tail SlapAqua300Reduced Damage200N/A
Risky Fish – Fish HookAqua11030Reduced Damage & Shields10520N/A
Shoal Star – Star ShurikenAqua11510Reduced Damage11010N/A
Dual Blades – Sinister StrikeBeast1302050% less critical damage030Deal 200% damage on critical strikes
Cuckoo – CockadoodledooBird040Reduced Shields030N/A
Doubletalk – Soothing SongBird800Reduced Damage600Ignore shield. Apply Sleep to target
Post Fight – All-out ShotBird1200Reduced Damage1100N/A
Antenna – Bug SignalBug8060Reduced Shields8050N/A
Cute Bunny – Terror ChompBug12030Reduced Damage, Increased Shields10035N/A
Garish Worm – Barb StrikeBug10050Reduced Damage & Shields9030N/A
Gravel Ant – Numbing LecretionBug3040Reduced Shields3030N/A
Lagging – Mystic RushBug400Reduced Damage300N/A
Thorny Caterpillar – Allergic ReactionBug10530Reduced Damage10030N/A
Yam – Gas UnleashPlant3020Reduced Damage2020N/A
Croc – Nile StrikeReptile9060Reduced Damage8560N/A
Grass Snake – Venom SprayReptile1020Increased Damage & Shields; Reduced Poison Stacks2030Apply 1 Poison to Target
Tiny Turtle – ChompReptile8050Reduced Damage7550N/A

Unfortunately, my fishies got hit with nerfs as well. On the bright side, I won’t get one-shot by Doubletalk Birds anymore so that’s that I guess.


While there were cards that were insanely strong and hard to fight against, there were also cards that were extremely lacking and borderline laughable. The most notable buffs were to cards from the Beast and Bug classes, while certain Reptile cards were surprisingly shown some love as well.

Here are the buffs made to the cards that were deemed to be too weak to be used in the arena:

Old ValuesNew Values
Part/Card NameClassDamageShieldsChanges MadeDamageShieldsChange to Description
Cottontail – Luna AbsorbBeast00Increased Shields030N/A
Imp – Ivory StabBeast7020Increased Damage & Shields8030N/A
Jaguar – Nitro LeapBeast11535Increased Damage12035N/A
Merry – Merry LegionBeast6585Increased Damage7585N/A
Ronin – Single CombatBeast750Increased Damage800N/A
Timber – Woodman PowerBeast50100Increased Damage; Reduced Shields8080N/A
Tri-Feather – Triple FeatherBird3510Increased Damage4010N/A
Ant – Chemical WarfareBug3080Increased Shields30100N/A
Buzz Buzz – Bug NoiseBug10040Increased Damage11040N/A
Fish Snack – Anesthetic BaitBug6080Increased Shields6090N/A
Mosquito – Blood TasteBug7040Increased Damage8040N/A
Pupae – Grub ExplodeBug600Increased Damage700N/A
Scarab – Scarab CurseBug11040Increased to 2 rounds11040Target cannot be healed for 2 rounds
Twin Tail – Twin NeedleBug300Increased Damage400N/A
Cactus – Prickly TrapPlant11020Increased Damage11520N/A
Rose Bud – Healing AromaPlant040Increased Shields050N/A
Strawberry Shortcake – Sweet PartyPlant00Increased Shields040N/A
Kotaro – Kotaro BiteReptile8020Increased Damage & Shields8530N/A
Razor Bite – Why So SeriousReptile9050Increased Damage & Shields9555N/A
Red Ear – Slippery ShieldReptile10135Increased Shields10145N/A
Scaly Spear – Scale LungeReptile10050Increased Damage11050N/A
Scaly Spoon – Tiny CatapultReptile8040Increased Shields8050N/A
Unko – Poo FlingReptile3080Increased Shields30100N/A
Wall Gecko – Critical EscapeReptile9010Increased Shields9020N/A

Congratulations to the Beast, Bug, and Reptile fans out there and I hope I won’t come across you guys in the arena.

It briefly discusses everything about the balance updates and changes to Skill and Morale.

Key Points

Here are the main points you need to remember:

  • Season 19 is live with 3,000 AXS tokens ($400,000+) in leaderboard rewards 
  • MMR has been reset: everyone starts at 1,200
  • A major rebalancing patch has been implemented based on data the developers have collected over the past few months
  • The formulas for both bonus damage on critical strikes as well as the effect of Skill on bonus damage for combos have been tweaked and balanced

What do you think about the changes made for Season 19? What are you looking forward to the most this season? Tell us in the comments down below!

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