In this article, I’ll be putting the spotlight on the Beast card, “Rampant Howl.”

As of November 2021, this card has 120 base damage, 30 shields, and costs 1 energy. It also applies the buff Morale+ to the whole team for 2 rounds if the user is in Last Stand.
You can check out all of Axie Infinity’s cards here:
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How Is Rampant Howl Used?
This card is used mainly as a high-damage card to take out enemy Axies. Because it’s a Beast card, it deals additional damage against the tank classes, Plant, Reptile, and Dusk.
Its main purpose is to dish out insane amounts of damage because the effect is hard to activate.
What Kind of Axies/Teams Use Rampant Howl?
Most of the Axies that use this card are damage-dealer Beast Axies. They use Rampant Howl to deal massive damage on enemy Axies, specifically the tank.
It’s a great high-damage tail card if you don’t mind the conditions of its effect.
Pros and Cons of the Rampant Howl Card
- deals a ton of damage and provides decent shields
- applies a team-wide buff if the user is in Last Stand
- effect is hard to activate
Rampant Howl Card Synergies
- Acrobatic
- these cards enable the user to speed up, which leaves room for potential outplays against faster Axies
- Ivory Stab
- a staple card of “Rimp” Beasts; could be paired with Rampant Howl along with other RImp Beast parts (Single Combat + high-damage mouth card)
- Revenge Arrow, Sinister Strike, Single Combat, Nitro Leap, Nut Crack, Branch Charge, Sugar Rush
- high-damage Beast cards paired with Rampant Howl creates a Beast Axie that can dish out massive amounts of damage
You can check out these articles to view more on this card’s Axie body parts:
Axie Infinity ALL Body Parts List
Axie Infinity Tail Body Parts List
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