In this article, I’ll be putting the spotlight on the Bug card, “Bug Splat.”

As of December 2021, this card has 110 base damage, provides 50 shields, and costs 1 energy. It also deals 50% more damage when attacking Bug Axies.
You can check out all of Axie Infinity’s cards here:
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How Is Bug Splat Used?
Overall, Bug Splat is a good offensive/semi-defensive card. It has 50 shield points, which is above average for a high damage card.
What Kind of Axies/Teams Use Bug Splat?
This card fits best for slow Axies that need an offensive card. Slow Axies are typically Plants and Bugs, especially when a card ability in the Axie requires it to be the slowest.
Sometimes though, Bug Splat can be found on fast Axies like Aquas. Some Aquatic comps may lack in damage against Plants, Reptiles, and Dusks, so Bug Splat on an Aqua compensates for the class disadvantage.
Pros and Cons of the Bug Splat Card
- has decent shields
- has decent damage
- good counter against double Bug Axie lineups
- at a class disadvantage against Aquas and Birds
Bug Splat Card Synergies
- Prickly Trap
- Bug Splat keeps the Axie at its lowest possible speed, making it compatible with Prickly Trap’s ability.
You can check out these articles to view more on this card’s Axie body parts:
Axie Infinity ALL Body Parts List
Axie Infinity Back Body Parts List
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